Super Sets, Pause Sets, Drop Sets...What?  

Posted by Jacked Fury in , , , , ,

Some of these terms may be a foreign language to some people. What exactly are Drop Sets, Pause Sets, Super Sets and other kinds of Sets? Well keep reading and you will find out!

A lot of these types of workouts are used to help shock the muscle to promote more muscle growth. If you keep changing up your workout routine then your muscles shouldn't adapt as easily to your training style. Lets start off shall we?

Lets start with the Super Set. Now Super Sets are great to use! A Super Set is doing 2 workouts at once basically. For example you do a set of Barbell Curls then immediately go do another workout such as Alternating Dumbbell curls. You take no rest in between sets until the 2nd set is done. Most people will suggest you rest 30seconds to 60 seconds before starting your next Super Set. You can do Super Sets for any body part. It is good to workout 2 body parts at once with them as well such as a Barbell Curl into a Rope Press Down. Super Sets also speed up your workout so you will spend less time in the gym but still reap the benefits of a hard workout!

Next we have the Pause Set. Pause sets are good to use when you are lifting super heavy weight. I would typically use this type of sets when you reach your 1 rep max. Say your 1 rep max for Wide Grip Curls are 145 pounds. You would do 1 rep, then pause for a few seconds and do another rep. This in theory promotes that you are lifting more weight for more reps since you pause your muscle can relax for a brief second then get shocked! Pause Sets are great to build up strength and muscle size! You got to lift heavy to get big!

Moving on to Drop Sets. I see a lot of people using these type of sets. Drop Sets are very good to tire the muscle out. A drop set is when you are say benching pressing 215 pounds for however many reps you can do then immediately dropping the weight down then doing more reps until you can't. Normally I see people only dropping the weight down once, but feel free to keep dropping. Once you are done that is one complete set! I like to do Drop Sets on my last 2 sets of my exercises.

Another type of set is called the Giant Set. It is basically like a super set. The difference mainly is that you are doing more than 2 exercises in a row. So you do for example Barbell Curl, Dumbell Curl and Tricep Pull Downs then rest breifly and do it again! It is great to do Giant Sets every so often I find. I tend to do these occasionally, It just takes a lot out of you. Giant Sets would be really good to do in a type of full body workout!

I hope you found this helpful and informative. Now when people are saying to you "Hey, Spot me on this Drop Set." You will not be looking like a fool!


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