Healthy Recipe Of The Week #1 - Tasty Cake Pudding  

Posted by Jacked Fury in , ,

Healthy Recipes. Not too many people these days know what that means! Every week I will post up a great recipe for you to try. These will be very healthy with great nutrient value!

The first recipe in this great series will be a nice dessert! When I first tried this recipe it came out not how it should have, But it was still very delicious!

Tasty Cake Pudding.

3.5 Scoops Protein
4 Tbsp. Peanut Butter
1/3 C. Egg Whites
1/2 C. Milk
2 Tbsp. Milled Flaxseed

Calories: 934
Fat: 48.5
Carbs: 25.5 of those 11.5 are Dietary Fiber so 14 carb total
Protein: 106

Just mix everything in a large bowl. Spray a pan with some non-stick spray, then put the mixture in and refrigerate. Enjoy!

It is that simple! I used chocolate protein powder for this and it turned out great. The nutrient value will differ slightly depending on what products you use.

I hope you found this recipe very tasteful like I have. Stay Tuned for next weeks recipe!!!


This looks really tasty, I'll give it a whirl. Thanks!

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