Fusion Bodybuilding Agent M  

Posted by Jacked Fury

I recently got selected to use Fusion Bodybuilding's product Agent M for free. They generously gave me a full product of Agent M to write about. Agent M should last me 15 days. Fusion Bodybuilding's Agent M looks to have a great ingredient profile. Agent M is a progressive BCAA (Branched Chained Amino Acid) product. It will help with muscle repair after your workout. Agent M is scientifically proven to accelerate muscle grown, reduce post training muscle inflammation by 63% enabling you to build muscle faster! By fighting muscle inflammation, Agent M keeps your muscle bellies healthy and growing!

Agent M comes with 2 bottles in the box. Each bottle containing 120 pills, a total of 240. The Agent M also comes with a comprehensive muscle mechanic manual. It is pretty informative. I suggest you look it over if you get this product. Basically the dosing is pretty simple, You dose 4 pills before your workout and dose another 4 pills after your workout. You are suppose to take all 8 pills on non-workout days as well.

Overall I'm very excited to write a log about this product. I will be posting 3 times a week in this blog about how things are going with the use of Agent M. You can also follow the log on a daily basis here http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=116785711.


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