Healthy Choices  

Posted by Jacked Fury in , , , , , ,

Healthy choices, Something we all have. Not many of us however make the right choice. Now, I'm not saying its not ok to indulge in some chocolate every now and then.

Some food you should try to select are things such as Grilled Chicken, Steak, Fish, Eggs and shrimp are all good sources of protein. Just try to avoid getting deep priced food like at many of the fast food places. Go with the grilled chicken sandwich at McDonalds or even the grilled chicken salad. Pork is a ok choice, I do not eat much pork though.

Some good healthy carbs are Whole Wheat Pastas, Whole Wheat Bread, Sweet Potato, Oatmeal and All Bran. These are good examples of good complex carbs. These kind of carbs would beat ate during the day or before your workout. Fruits are good to have after a workout to help shuttle the nutrients to your muscles since they get digested faster and more easier since all the blood is in your muscles still. A good fruit to eat would be a Banana.

Some good fats to eat are Natural Peanut Butter, Peanuts, Almonds, EVOO, Fish (good source of protein and fats), Egg Yolk, Avocado, Cheese and any kind of Nuts. These are all good sources of healthy fats. Fats are essential to our bodies.

If you feel you are hungry after a meal try adding more veggies to your meals. Veggies are great food that you can eat a lot of!

Just making the healthy choice over the unhealthy choice will help you achieve your fitness goals. It may be hard at first to give up that tasty deep fried chicken but the healthy alternatives are just as tasty!


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