
Posted by Jacked Fury in ,

We had our 3rd Annual 99cent Eat-A-Thon this past Saturday, June 6th. It was a festive time! We started off in Mifflinburg, PA going to the McDonalds there. Then we made our way to Lewisburg, PA and hit up all the fast food places there as well. McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys and Taco Bell/KFC were the places in Lewisburg. Then were headed to Selinsgrove, PA and decided to take a intermission since we were feeling pretty full and saw Land of the Lost. It turned out to be a decent movie. We continued our journey on the Eat-A-Thon at Taco Bell. Then we went to Wendys, Burger King and finished with another McDonalds. It was a fun experience. We handed out business cards promoting our Eat-A-Thon. Unfortunately the Selinsgrove, PA McDonalds gave our card back! That was a little disappointing to us, but it did not hinder our trip!

You can check out our pictures at the following link:


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