Increased Back Width and Size  

Posted by Jacked Fury

Lately I've been working on trying to increase the size of my back, the lats specifically. When you look at guys with big lats you can't help but think "dang." Most people at the gym want others to think that about them! Here is what I found to help increase back size and width!

One of the workouts proven to help with back width is the one workout I have neglected from doing, Chin-Ups. Chin-Ups target the lat really good. Doing them before and after your workout 5 sets each will help you increase width and give you more strength. Some people do Chin-Ups at every workout.

The Lat Pull Down. This exercises targets mainly the lat as well. Its basically like a chin-up but you are seated. It is great to do for increase those powerful lats!

Seated Cable Rows are another great back workout. Cable Rows are great for increasing the density of your back! Doing Seated Cable Rows for 3-4 sets of about 12 reps will benefit you greatly!

Hammer High Rows is something you should be doing as well. They will target your back at a different angle using different muscle fibers to spark more muscle growth!

There you have it! 4 great ways to increase back width! You can also throw in a few more exercises like T-Bar Rows, Bent Over Barbell rows and One Handed Dumb bell Rows. If you use these 7 workouts you will have people saying "Dang!" to you when you walk into the room!


I wish my back looked like that! Thanks for the tips.

You are welcome. I glad you found it helpful and hope your back increases in size and strength!

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